poster on war

Here, in Palestine, in Israel, everywhere

War has a thousand faces

Within a prolonged state of emergency and sequential broader systemic crises, the enforcement of generalized war-like conditions is the only way out for those in power to reproduce the capitalist system in a globalized environment. The militaristic management of “internal threats” and social matters, the consecutive inter-dominant war clashes, the constant spread of terror, all make the line between war and peace more and more fluid.

War has acquired a thousand faces and is being conducted in as many levels. Nationalism, racism, sexism, speciesism, and militarism are the elements that comprise and justify it. The exploited and anyone who doesn’t fit in the prevailing norms set by the sovereign classes of the state, the economy, armies and religions, are those at the receiving end.

In Palestine and Israel, the war appears in its familiar and historic brutality: as the bloody outcome of extortion, exploitation and the management of the lives of the oppressed. Lives in the target scope of “smart” killing weapon systems, lives degraded to play the role of “bargaining chips” in global arrangements and materializations of national visions.

However both within “open prisons” and the military control in Gaza and the West Bank, and within the high-tech Israeli metropolises, there are social/class divisions, the sharpening of which by those “below” is the only thing capable of putting an end to the dispersion of death.

And the opposition to it, another thousand

from there
with the common struggles of people who live in Israel and Palestine against the walls of war and racism, with migration, with the refusal to serve in the military and desertion,

to here
with the blocking of the war from where it starts, in the military industry and it’s academic think-tanks, in the train tracks and the harbors, with solidarity with migrants, with the fight against militarism, nationalism, patriarchy and speciesism, with the opposition to “our army” and national unity…

war, everywhere, can only be sabotaged with “national treason”

meetings against the war and the peace of those in power