Tuesday April 30th, at 19:00, we gather at the squatted Exostrefis to discuss the first part of Terror Incognita. After the presentation/discussion there will be a bar to support the printing of a booklet on street medicine by the Anarchist First Aid Group.
//a few words about the translation//
What we present is the coming out of an internal process, a translation project that has been ongoing since the summer, provoking various discussions. It has reshaped our collective terms of discussion and navigation of everyday relations – relations that unfold within a polymorphic spectrum of community – as well as the terms through which we interact with different political fields and with “current events” as they emerge. What the hell do we mean when we say “I desire” this person, this action over that X meeting, this (maybe less terrible) life (over another) — what is, in the end, a “true” choice and what is “false” consciousness? What are the limits of the tools introduced by feminist waves within the a/a/a space and how does that space “breathe” under their weight? Why do our politics, at times, seem so disconnected? Who are the “senders” and who the “receivers” of our diverse actions and positions – or are we maybe unable/unwilling to reduce the reality we share into a schema of transmission, since we always are/ have been seductive and seduced within relations (with people, places, situations)? All this and more comprise the (erotic/)investigative paths followed translating terror incognita, a text written by the Experimentation Committee, in the united states.
Hope to see you soon!