
diathematiki is a political group whose goals, so far, include developing theoretical tools for understanding and subverting relationships and systems of power and oppression, and forming communal relations among its members. We see ourselves as a part of the wider anarchist/antiauthoritarian/autonomist and queer-feminist space in athens, and we are organised horizontally, through closed meetings that open periodically for new members.

The group was formed at the end of 2018, through a call that came out of the centre of struggle formed in the athens law school that December. Since then, it has been housed at the law school’s squatted canteen (autodiahirizomeno kilikio nomikis – akn). We have taken part in the akn assembly, open initiatives and assemblies, and coordination assemblies mostly (but not only) in the city centre.

for the latest updates see here

for the political glossary, a collection of tools and positions of the group, see here

contact: diathematiki@riseup.net